英文中最In网络语盘点:你out 了吗?

来源:本站原创 2015/7/27 8:40:37【中华考试网校

英文中最In网络语盘点:你out 了吗?

随着网络的发展,很多词汇被赋予了新的含义或改变了原有的意思,如今年上半年国内出现的这些:“重要的事情说三遍”“We are 伐木累”“Duang~”……相比之下,国外出现了那些流行的网络词汇,你知道哪些?下面我们列举一二。

1. snail mail

'Snail mail' is the traditional letter delivering service in which you have a postman and a post box.


It's different from email or electronic mail, when the message sent on the computer travels quickly to its destination.



A. I'm sending my auntie Marge this lovely birthday card via snail mail. She lives in Japan.


B. I much prefer using email these days. All I get by snail mail are these marketing leaflets!


英文中最In网络语盘点:你out 了吗?

2. Post

The verb 'to post' and the noun 'post' have also gained new meanings in the internet age.


If you write an opinion on a social media website - you 'post' a comment.


Before, you had to go to the post office to… post your letters. Here are some more examples of this new meaning of 'post'.



A. This website's all about how trendy it is to wear fur. I don't like it at all. I think I'll post a comment!


B. Mary ls first has a blog about food and she publishes new posts every day.


英文中最In网络语盘点:你out 了吗?

3. Hard copy

'Hard copy' is what we call the paper version of a document you write on your computer or of a digital picture you take.

hard copy是纸制文件,而soft copy是扫描的。


A. I'll give you a hard copy of my report, Mary. You can read it on the bus, on your way home.


B. I have a digital copy of my wedding picture as a screensaver at work but I much prefer my hard copy in a frame. It's much nicer.
